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Domiciliary Care Service
....... Specialising in Care for Deaf and Autistic Adults 

Truly committed to making a positive impact to the quality of the lives of the Service Users we support 



There is more to providing a good standard of support than just meeting care needs; our service offers individuals all the support they need to stay in their own home and be supported to live independently which is very important. We provide ongoing support that is specifically tailored to the needs of the individual and built it around their needs and routines. Routine is very important to autistic people and their needs vary greatly in terms of the level of support they need to live day to day. Our support workers are fully trained and experienced when it comes to caring for adults with autism and learning disabilities.


Our domiciliary care service is dedicated to providing whatever support the service user requires and needs, so they can enjoy the peace and comfort of their own home. We are here to make a difference to the quality of their lives and support them with aspects of their life they find challenging. Our professional dedicated team of care workers can provide a range of services tailored to the needs from simple assistance around the home, to help with bathing to medicinal assistance. We aim to assign the same carers each time, as we believe this results in better quality of care and trust. We liaise with Service Users, their families, Local Authorities, Health Care Professionals and any other stakeholder involved in their care regularly to ensure their views are taken in to account as far as possible.


Depending on your needs you can choose from the variety of domiciliary care services we offer, you can have just an hour a week up to round the clock care or several visits a day. We provide;






  • Comprehensive assessment appraisal for all new applicants​

  • Financial monitoring

  • Medication monitoring

  • Newsletters to all stakeholders

  • Care Plans (recording and monitoring changing health needs)

  • Service User reviews at least annually and as required

  • Risk assessments

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